November Newsletter 2022


Stories of Restoration: Jeremy

Jeremy and his wife Meghan

From an early age, Jeremy felt he needed to be a model child in his home. He strove to be caring and reliable, a model Christian. Unfortunately, Jeremy’s false perception of holiness resulted in him hiding his faults and sins from God and others. Around the age of 14, Jeremy developed an addiction to pornography that changed the way he viewed and engaged in relationships. The guilt and shame caused by his pornography addiction made it all the more difficult to quit: “What I was searching for was Jesus; an honest and real relationship with my Creator”

From the ages of 14 to 24, Jeremy lived the “Christian life,” but he was secretly battling sin. “I wouldn’t look at pornographic magazines when friends tried to show them to me, but I would go home and look at porn by myself,” he explained.

When he first recognized he had a problem, Jeremy thought that a year at His Mansion seemed excessive for something he felt he could resolve on his own. However, he arrived at His Mansion in the spring of 2016, hopeful for what the Lord would have for him there. At His Mansion, Jeremy encountered a community of unconditional love and accountability that helped him break free of destructive patterns. Throughout that year, the Lord gradually healed his soul. “That depth and longing for connection that I was searching for, I found here. With Jesus, I have all I need to be satisfied,” said Jeremy.

After graduating the program, his sin and struggles did not disappear. Now, five years after graduation, Jeremy lives with his wife in Upstate New York. He no longer feels the need to present himself as a model Christian. Instead, Jeremy combats his sin daily, knowing that his struggles strengthen his faith. He thrives in Christ knowing that he cannot hide his sin from God, but instead he can use the strength of Christ to overcome it.


Some of the men in our Resident program opening their Christmas gifts last year

Gifts from God’s People

As we prepare for the Holiday season, we want to create joyful memories for our Residents and Servant Leaders. For some the holidays do not hold fond memories, and for others it can be difficult to be away from family. We like to make this special by providing personalized gifts for each of them. Would you join in this holiday tradition? The easiest way that you can help make the holidays special is by enclosing an extra gift for blessing people here on Christmas Day.

Please send in additional gifts with the enclosed response card, or give online through the button below by December 16th. Please designate your extra gifts to “Christmas” or “Gifts from God’s People.”


Mark and his wife Jennifer

Staff Spotlight

This month’s Staff Spotlight features a new addition to His Mansion. Mark Bodanza has recently joined the team as the Director of Programs. Mark lives in Hillsborough, New Hampshire with his wife, Jennifer, and their seven children. He currently serves on staff at Tristate Bible Baptist Church in Chesterfield, New Hampshire. Mark also serves as an online professor for West Coast Baptist College in California, teaching students biblical counseling.

Mark holds a Master’s degree in Religious Education with a focus in Biblical Studies. He’s also working toward a Doctorate in Pastoral Counseling with an emphasis in Crisis Counseling and Marriage. Over about 20 years, Mark served in law enforcement before recently transitioning to full-time ministry. For the past 10 years, he has served as a volunteer chaplain for the Department of Corrections. His heart is to love and encourage those battling strongholds in their life. Mark enjoys teaching and developing people in the ministry for the work of the Lord. His Mansion is thankful for Mark’s faithful ministry service both at His Mansion and in ministries across the country, and we are excited to see how the Lord uses him in this position.


Prayer Requests and Updates

As the year continues, please be in prayer for our ministry. Here are some requests and updates:

  • Thank you for joining us in prayer for more Residents. Continue to pray that the Lord would bring the right people for this program.

  • Please continue to pray for our current Residents and Servant Leaders. The work they complete here is both challenging and life-changing.

  • We are searching for more staff. Please pray with us as we look for people to serve in our Men’s Counseling and Building and Maintenance roles.

  • Thank you for praying for more Servant Leaders. Continue to pray that the Lord would move hearts to serve.

Thank you for partnering with us in prayer each month. We are seeing the effects of your prayers daily.

Partnership Opportunities

This season we are working on making updates to our facilities. Below is a list of several partnership opportunities:

  • As winter approaches, we need to purchase a new road sander. This allows us to sand our main road and driveway in icy conditions.

  • Our wood processing needs require us to purchase a dump truck to haul wood from building to building.

  • We would like to add a refreshment center to our dining hall.

  • Last, our Residents enjoy using our game room during their free time. Please consider donating to update our game room equipment.

Thank you for prayerfully considering partnering with us on these needs.

His Mansion