October Newsletter 2021
Stories of Restoration: Claire
Claire (left) and Lydia, our Women’s program Administrator, at our 2020 Graduation.
Since childhood, Claire had always felt different and “less than” those around her. She often felt lonely; not quite fitting in at school and being much younger than her siblings. Even though her family was heavily involved at church, she felt bitter and resentful towards God.
Beginning in high school, Claire began to hang around bad influences. She turned to everything the world offered to fill the longing in her heart that could only be satisfied by her Savior.
She continued down a hard path. The turning point for Claire was her final relapse and watching her friend overdose and come close to death. “I asked my mom to pray, and I cried out to God in my heart saying something like: ‘I don’t know who you are, but please save me.’”
At nineteen years old, Claire arrived at His Mansion. The people at His Mansion seemed genuine, purposeful, and faithful. Like Claire, many had experienced hurt and pain in their lives but had found freedom in the Lord. The emptiness and separation that caused her to seek fulfillment in the wrong areas eventually brought her to the feet of Jesus Christ.
Claire is currently finishing up her time as a Servant Leader. In February 2022, she will be traveling to stay with her cousins who are missionaries in Kenya. Claire will spend six months there helping them as they prepare to go on sabbatical. In the future, Claire would like to pursue counseling so she can better help others in addiction. Currently, she is enjoying her youth and newfound freedom in Christ.
Claire (middle) with her family.
Inside Look
Have you ever wondered what the Intake Process at His Mansion looks like? We want to provide you with an inside look at how we welcome new Residents into our program.
The first step is for a potential Resident to fill out the application on our website.
The application is then sent to our Intake Coordinator. The application is then reviewed to see if any additional info may be needed.
Next, the applicant is contacted to set up an interview with a Program Administrator.
After the interview is complete, our Program team meets to determine whether we are a good fit for the individual applying or if another program is better for their needs.
Life on the Farm
Jacob working in the canning room
Did you know that His Mansion is a working farm? We grow our vegetables and raise our livestock. Every aspect of the farm work is used to support Residents, whether through supplementing their meals or acting as a teaching tool. Some of the jobs that Servant Leaders, Residents, and staff do include wood splitting, planting, harvesting, and cooking.
During the summer months, many of us are busy planting, weeding, and watering the gardens. Caring for the gardens is a vital job within the ministry. Gardens and livestock contribute to our food store and are some of the most rewarding work assignments. If you attend a meal in Griggs just after harvesting time, you might hear some say, “I harvested this broccoli,” or “I remember picking that corn.” It’s truly a special experience when you and others benefit from the fruit of your labor.
As fall now makes its appearance on the Hill, the harvesting season is finished and the ground plowed and prepped for next year. Residents in the canning room are busy chopping and preserving vegetables and processing meat for winter. They also enjoy picking apples from the trees on our property and making fresh apple cider to enjoy with meals.
These are only a few of the vital jobs that happen on the Hill. We’re so blessed to have the means to teach practical life skills and see the truths of God’s word daily.
Partnership Opportunities
To expand our programs, we need more staff to join our team. If you or someone you know would be a good fit for our staff team, please visit www.hismansion.com/employment to see our available positions.
To serve more Residents, we need three men and three women to come on as Servant Leaders. If you or someone eager to serve, joining the Servant Leader program is a great opportunity. Visit www.hismansion.com/servant-leader-program to learn more.
Over the coming months we’re making some renovations to our facilities. We are replacing the carpeting in our dining hall and chapel. If you are interested in helping with this need, please contact us by phone at 603-464-5555 or by email at info@hismansion.com
We would like to replace our sound system in the Chapel for our worship and fellowship times. If you are prayerfully considering helping with this need, please contact us either by phone at 603-464-5555 or by email at info@hismansion.com.
Prayer Requests and Updates
As the year continues, please be in prayer for our ministry. Here are some prayer requests and updates:
Over the next few months we will be having many graduations, which is both a praise and prayer request. Please pray for our Residents as they graduate and transition into their next phase of life.
We are thankful to have received some applications for our Servant Leader Program. Please continue to pray as we discern who would be a good candidate to serve with us here. Please also pray that we would have enough applications to fill our programs.
Please continue to pray for us as we seek more people to serve on staff. Pray that the Lord would bring the right men and women with the heart to share Christ’s love.
Recently, we were able to purchase a new farm truck, due to the generosity of one of our donors. We are grateful for the Lord meeting our community’s needs.