June Newsletter 2022
Stories of Restoration: Madison
Create in me a clean heart O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence, and take not Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit. — Psalm 51:10-12
Madison (right) and another Resident, Amanda working in the kitchen
Madison grew up in a Christian home, but like many, never fully understood the love Christ had for her. Feelings of isolation and unmet expectations caused her to strive for others’ affections. The deep love and understanding she craved and sought for in people could only come from Christ.
At nineteen, Madison started dating. However, over the four-year relationship, she was repeatedly abused. The abuse caused her to view herself as someone unworthy of God’s love.
In her early twenties, Madison began drinking and self-harming as a means of coping with her situation.“I contemplated ending it all one night for what seemed like hours... but even in that very dark moment God was there with me,” Madison remembers.
That night, the Lord reminded her of the many reasons to continue living. “God reminded me of my love for my family and in doing so reminded me of His love for me. He sacrificed everything and suffered an unfathomable death so that I may live.” When her partner finally admitted to the abuse, the Lord provided a way for her to leave the relationship.
Arriving at His Mansion, Madison felt immense relief and security for the first time. “I was finally given the hope, peace, and joy I had always wanted and I didn’t need people to give it to me, because I had all I needed in Christ Jesus.” After completing the Resident Program, Madison has returned to His Mansion as a Servant Leader. As she continues her healing journey, she now helps new Residents begin theirs.
Madison and her mom at Madison’s graduation from the Residential Program
Heard on the Hill
What are you looking forward to this summer?
“Graduation!” —Kristen, Resident
“Hiking with the guys, and gardening.” —Will, staff
“Friday Cookouts, fellowship, and the fruits of our labor.” —Renee, Servant Leader
“I’m really looking forward to the 50th Anniversary this summer!” —Wes, staff
Happening on the Hill
Servant Leaders on their Retreat at Toah Nipi
Summer has almost arrived in New Hampshire. As the seasons change, we’re also seeing changes on “The Hill”. So far in 2022, we’ve seen the Lord work in powerful ways.
We’ve had three graduations this year. Our newest graduates, Dan and Craven, have worked extremely hard in the program and we are very proud of them and all that God has done in their lives.
We’ve also had a few Cake Days since our last update. Cake Days are a time of celebrating Servant Leaders as they complete their service. Our most recent Cake Days were celebrating Erin and Ellie as they finished their time in the Servant Leader Program. We’re thankful for their time here and their service to the women in our Resident Program. Ellie has returned to His Mansion to serve on our short-term staff, the “Flex Team.”
Our Servant Leaders also enjoyed the biannual Servant Leader Retreat. They took a trip to the Toah Nipi Retreat Center in southern New Hampshire. It was a great time for them to take a break and fellowship with one another, re-centering themselves on the Lord.
Please continue to keep His Mansion in your prayers as the Lord works in the lives of Residents, Servant Leaders, and staff.
Prayer Requests
and Updates
As the year continues, please be in prayer for our ministry. Here are some prayer requests and updates:
Pray that the Lord would bring more men and women to our Resident programs—that they would seek help and healing in Christ.
Please pray with us as we look for more people to add to our building and maintenance staff.
Please pray that the Lord would bring young adults to serve in the Servant Leader Program.
Thank you for partnering with us in prayer each month. Your prayers do not go unnoticed.
We want to take the time to thank the Lord for all that he has provided for us and accomplished in the lives of people here:
The Lord has provided new staff to join us this year. We’re blessed by the talented people that have joined our team.
We’re thankful for the many men and women that have either graduated from the Resident Program or have completed their service in the Servant Leader Program.
The Lord has abundantly provided for our facility’s needs, and we’ve been able to make updates to buildings like our chapel, the multipurpose building, and staff housing.
We’re thankful for all God has done and continues to do in and through those of us on the Hill. Thank you for partnering with us and keeping us in your prayers.