October Newsletter 2022

woman in green dress on stage

Monica Church sharing her testimony at the 50th Anniversary

Celebrating 50 Years

At the end of August, His Mansion celebrated 50 years of ministry. Over 300 alumni, family, and friends came to “The Hill” from all over the country to celebrate what God has done since 1971 in the lives of thousands. God’s faithfulness over the years as well as being expectant of His continued work in restoring broken lives was the focus of this day.

The theme for the anniversary was Hebrews 13:8: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” This scripture was highlighted by three speakers who were all former Residents in the His Mansion program who went on to serve in staff positions. The “yesterday” reflection was delivered by Dave Hultgren, a current staff member who started as a Resident in the 70s and is still on staff today. Dave was able to highlight God’s blessings over the decades.

Monica Church came as a resident in 2014 and continued on after as a Servant Leader and staff member; she shared her testimony and gave glory to God who radically altered her life and set her on a new path. Monica and her husband Casey met and were married at His Mansion and they celebrated their 6th wedding anniversary on the same day as the 50th! What a wonderful reminder of God’s restoration power.

His Mansion’s Operations Officer, Courtney Jones, is His Mansion’s first executive who has come through the program as a Resident, Servant Leader, and then staff member. He knows firsthand the saving and changing power of God; Courtney spoke of the “forever” never-changing love of God which continues to drive the missions of His Mansion: Restoring broken lives through the hope of Jesus Christ.

Praise God for all He has done in the last 50 years and for what he will continue to do in the lives of many in the future!

large group of people

Around 300 people attended the anniversary event

Inside Look

Wondering what it’s like to be a Servant Leader? Below are a few of the ways that Servant Leaders provide Christ-like care to Residents in our program:

  • Live with Residents and provide oversight and stability

  • Work with the Residents and provide leadership

  • Pray for and support Residents each day

  • Attend leadership classes and learn how to model Jesus daily

  • Support one another and build strong relationships

If you or someone you know is interested in this unique ministry opportunity, apply online here

two red trucks one blue truck with men standing around them

Our new farm trucks donated to us from generous partners

Thank you to our Partners

This month, we wanted to take the time to thank our generous partners and share some of the practical ways that each partnership has contributed to life on “The Hill.” Throughout 2022, we’ve worked hard to maintain and update our facilities and to effectively steward our resources well. With your help, we’ve seen amazing changes!

We’ve made many facilities updates around the property, including new roofing, new exterior paint, and new carpeting. Everyone on “The Hill” has been very excited to see the new and improved facilities and recreation buildings.

We’ve also been blessed with new farm trucks, a new tractor, and a new wood splitter. This equipment is necessary for effective work around the property. The farm trucks help us in keeping
up with the grounds and gardens, working in the woodlot, and transporting livestock. The new tractor has been a great addition to work in our gardens. In the winter, we use wood-burning boilers to heat our buildings. Over one winter, His Mansion burns around 300 cords of wood. This new wood splitter makes our wood processing needs more achievable. Residents and Servant Leaders are thankful for the updated machinery, making the daily work duties much more efficient.

We’re blessed by those who have partnered with us in sharing the Gospel with broken men and women searching for healing. Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you to share the gospel with others in practical ways.


Prayer Requests and Updates

As the year continues, please be in prayer for our ministry. Here are some requests and updates:

  • Thank you for joining us in prayer for more Residents. Continue to pray that the Lord would bring the right people for this program.

  • Please continue to pray for our current Residents and Servant Leaders. The work they complete here is both challenging and life chaining

  • We are searching for more staff. Please pray with us as we look for people to serve in Administrative, Counseling, and Building and Maintenance roles.

  • Thank you for praying for more Servant Leaders. Continue to pray that the Lord would move hearts to serve.

Thank you for partnering with us in prayer each month. We are seeing the effects of your prayers daily.

Partnership Opportunities

This season we are working on making updates to our facilities. Below is a list of the several partnership opportunities:

  • As winter approaches, we need to purchase a new road sander. This allows us to
    sand our main road and driveway in icy conditions.

  • Our wood processing needs require us to purchase a dump truck to haul wood from building to building.

  • We would like to add a refreshment center to our dining hall.

  • Last, our Residents enjoy using our game room during their free time. Please consider donating to update our game room equipment.

Thank you for prayerfully considering partnering with us on these needs.


Partner with us!

Want to help us with one of the projects above? Click the button below to partner with us!

His Mansion