December Newsletter 2023
Year in Review
Two graduates praying with Rachael, the Discipleship Coordinator and teacher
The composer and singer Phil Wickham writes: “Come, let us worship our king; come, let us bow at His feet- He has done great things! See what our Savior has done; see how His love overcomes-He has done great things!”These words are a wonderful lens through which to view 2023 at His Mansion.
During Covid, it was very difficult and nearly impossible to get new Residents to NH and admitted into the programs at His Mansion. 2023 reversed this trend by having many apply after travel restrictions
relaxed. This year, HM held three graduation ceremonies: the first in January, another in May, and the most recent at the end of October. In total, 13 men and women graduated from the Resident Program. Praise God for sustaining them through the year and for the restoration He accomplished in their lives! Many returned home to their families and communities, while some continued on as Servant Leaders. Each graduate is a walking billboard for Jesus Christ and his transformative love. Pray for these graduates as their lives share the Gospel where they are planted.
Currently, there are 21 more men and women in their residency experience with some at each of the 3 phases of the program along with 10 Servant Leaders. Please pray for them all as they seek the freedom only Christ can supply.
With the Lord’s help and generous partners we were able to complete the first 2 phases of a major renovation project. The historic Long House now hosts a staff family along with FlexTeam short-term male staff. The His Mansion Inn now has 5 very hospitable motel rooms and a 2 bedroom apartment for guests and workgroups. These new changes open up many more opportunities for guests to visit throughout the year.
Attendees at the Counseling Conference listening to a Resident giving his testimony
To make room for the new pavilion, the old Chalet building will be taken down by the Deering Fire Department and NH Central Fire command in late November. This will provide valuable training for several fire departments in the area as well as provide a low cost way to dispose of the old building. Subject to funding, the new pavilion will be built in the spring of 2024.
The Griggs dining hall facility has had both external and internal changes this year. The rotting porch and deck were replaced and improved by a visiting workgroup from Groton Bible Chapel. Safety and aesthetics have both been addressed and drastically improved. On the inside, a beautiful coffee corner with new cabinets was designed, built, and installed by a local ministry partner. Also a gas fireplace now helps heat the building and provide an inviting atmosphere for Residents and staff.
Other projects around the property included a replaced deck on the Long House, a renovation of Cabin Ruth for short- term female staff, a replaced heating system for the women’s dorm, and acoustical tiles in the gym to reduce noise and make the space more usable. It has been a busy year! God and His people have been generous and gracious.
This summer, His Mansion hosted a counseling seminar for counselors, church staff, other professionals, and those interested in the topic of addiction. Attendees were treated to training from Dr. George T. Crabb, a licensed counselor and author. Additionally, His Mansion Residents also shared their testimonies and experiences. This was a great day of connecting with one another and learning how to best aid our communities and churches. To further assist all interested parties, His Mansion will be hosting and providing more teaching and training opportunities in the future.
“And He said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the Gospel to the whole creation.”
God also blessed His Mansion with additional staff in the areas of maintenance and counselors. They bring much needed expertise and have added young growing families to The Hill family. Most recently, the Director of Operations position was filled by Armand Paladino; he and his wife Maddie arrived in October and Armand brings experience and godly leadership to the operations side of the ministry.
Reviewing 2023 can only lead to one response: praise God! We’re so thankful to the Lord for all He’s done this year and we are continually in awe of Him. Thank you first of all for your prayers; they are foundational to all that happens at His Mansion. God continues to answer your prayers as He changes and restores broken lives. We are also blessed by our financial partners who graciously and sacrificially support this ministry.
We pray you have a blessed Advent season with family and friends, remembering all that the Lord has done for you and look forward with joyful expectation for how He will utilize you to bring forth His Kingdom in the coming year.
Sara, a Servant Leader, receiving a gift on Christmas Eve
Gifts from God’s People
As the holiday season approaches, His Mansion strives to create joyful memories for Residents and Servant Leaders. For some, the holidays do not hold fond memories and for others it can be difficult to be away from family. On Christmas, each Resident receives personalized gifts curated by staff. Would you join in this holiday tradition? You can help make the holidays special by enclosing an extra gift for blessing people here on Christmas Day.
Donate an extra gift below!
Prayer Requests
Below are ways to be praying for His Mansion in 2024:
Pray that the staff and community would strive to make Christ the center of their lives.
Please pray for wisdom and direction on how to steward the resources he has blessed His Mansion with well.
Pray that the Lord would continue to call men and women to the Residential program that need the Gospel of Christ.
Last, pray that the Lord would call young men and women to the Servant Leader program to love Residents.
Thank you for supporting His Mansion.
As the year closes, here are some praises from the year:
New staff and their families joining the His Mansion community
This year’s graduates from the Resident Program
The many building projects completed
The public profession of faith through baptism that many Residents made this year.
The many workgroups that served at His Mansion
Praise the Lord for all He has done and will do in the coming year!